250th Anniversary Presidential Symposia on Higher Education

February 2, 2016

Members of the Rutgers Community:

As a highlight of Rutgers University’s 250th Anniversary celebrations, I will be hosting three symposia this year that will focus broadly on the changing roles of the research university in the 21st century and the challenges and opportunities presented by these changes.  These events, which I hope will encourage deep reflection and lively dialogue about the future of our shared endeavor, are open to all Rutgers faculty, staff, and students, and to the general public.

The first symposium, to be held on Thursday, April 7, will explore the question of “The Future of the Research University.”  The two keynote speakers will be Dr. William G. Bowen (President Emeritus of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, former President of Princeton University, and author of more than 20 books, most recently, Locus of Authority) and Dr. Rebecca Blank (Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and former Acting United States Secretary of Commerce).  Following each of the talks, a panel of Rutgers faculty members will comment on and respond to the issues raised.  This event will begin at 1:00 p.m. and will be held at the Rutgers Business School, Livingston Campus, Room 1095. Additional details and an RSVP link are attached.

The second symposium in the series will focus on “Transformational Science in the 21st Century” and will be held on September 28. The third symposium, which is scheduled for October 26, will consider the question, “Are the Liberal Arts Useful in the 21st Century?” Details about these events will be released soon, but please mark these dates on your calendar.

I look forward to seeing you at these events and engaging as a community with the many issues that are raised by these topics.


Robert Barchi